Industry 4.0 for Educators


Industry 4.0, the latest revolution in the manufacturing sector, is rapidly gaining popularity. It signifies the fusion of digital technologies with manufacturing processes, resulting in the emergence of smart factories and industries that are characterized by increased automation, connectivity, and data utilization. However, it is essential to consider how this development impacts our future workforce, what competencies are crucial for success in this environment, and how we can inspire students to pursue careers in this field.

CAVS-E is now offering Industry 4.0 for Educators, a two-day workshop that aims to offer comprehensive training to educators within the K-12 community, equipping them with the necessary knowledge to design K-12 programs and comprehend the various pathways available for the next generation of workers in the advanced manufacturing sector. The primary objective is to provide a broad introduction to the technology, explore potential job roles, and gain insights into the essential skills required in the modern workplace. Click below to find out more and register for a workshop.

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